For "private" operations, we offer to accompany you from the APD estimate to the follow-up of the lifting of reservations, including all the intermediate phases which are :
The "ECO" phase (detailed in the paragraph on Construction Economics)
Management of the works as a whole:
Execution monitoring
Administrative and Financial Monitoring
From the STUDY phase onwards, our objective is to analyse the initial constraints of the project in order to harmonise the various parties involved in the EXECUTION stage of the work as best we can. Organisation is our key word to control the progress of the site as well as possible. We therefore take charge of :
the drafting of start-up service orders,
relations with the concessionaires, road services, in consultation with the relevant design engineers,
participation in the synthesis unit,
monitoring the approvals of the technical controller,
checking the final accounts,
collecting the completed works files (DOE) and reports on the materials used,
general management of the works,
organisation and holding of site meetings and drafting of weekly reports,
control of the conformity of the architectural lots,
Establishment of the Service Orders (SO) amendments to be submitted to the Owner for validation,
control of attachments and estimates for additional work in compliance with the allocated work budget,
involvement of the BET(s) in the phases or services concerning them,
monitoring and follow-up of contractors in consultation with the OPC,
drafting of acceptance reports.
checking the qualifications and insurance of all participants, including subcontractors
verification of the work situation and drafting of payment proposals.
receipt, verification and consolidation of invoices,
drafting of payment proposals,
keeping the financial table for the operation,
verification of the final general accounts.
Depending on the size of the project, the OPC mission is an integral part of the MOE mission detailed above.
The project management team is the interface between the companies and the project owner. It enables the technical programme set by the project owner to be met, the proper execution of the work to be monitored and, if necessary, solutions to be found to meet the budget and deadlines.